Responsibilities: -Proofreading operators' chats for common errors and questions -Holding weekly meetings with operators based on the results of identified violations/answers to questions for the purpose of correction -Development and testing in google forms -Translation of materials into...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Яндекс Крауд
9 дней назад
Всего найдено 2 вакансии в Москве. Мы
подобрали работу по запросу "turkish airlines" рядом с вами в других
Если ты любишь КОФЕ и АВИАЦИЮ, то добро пожаловать на БОРТ! Specialty кофейня рядом со станцией Химки, созданная людьми влюбленными в небо! Авторские напитки, современные техники приготовления и неповторимая атмосфера. От тебя только любовь к кофейным напиткам, остальному мы научим.Мы...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
(164 км)
Яндекс Крауд
9 дней назад
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в Москве по запросу "turkish airlines".
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
Millions of people use smart devices every day. On the rare occasion something doesn't work as it should, our dedicated support team is there to assist. We’re looking for attentive, tactful professionals who can respond to users and solve their problems.If you have no prior experience, don’t...
... из офиса в самом центре Москвы или выбрать гибридный график Летать по корпоративным тарифам S7 Airlines. Спойлер: почти бесплатно! Заботиться о себе: ДМС после испытательного срока, бесплатные тренировки и безлимитные консультации ...
S7 TechLab – IT компания, реализующая инновационные IT продукты для подразделений группы компаний S7. Собственная система управления программой лояльности, развлекательный портал на борту для пассажиров, сервис для подбора экскурсий – это лишь некоторые примеры типовых задач, которые реализуются...
На связи BALAGAN Мы свежее креативное агентство. Любим делать вау-проекты, о которых пишут СМИ. Наша сильная сторона по мнению наших клиентов: свежие идеи, эстетика, внимание к деталям и комфортный рабочий процесс. С нами можно заняться: креативом для рекламы (креатив для TV/OLV, стратегия и...
My Agent is the B2B project, the biggest travel consolidator in Russia. Already a leader in our home market, we are now set for international expansion. The International Account Manager will ensure client success, retention, and account growth of multiple international accounts. KEY...
Обязанности: Единственное место, где крутятся реальные бабки - реклама. Зарабатывайте от 300к в месяц благодаря высоким чекам и репутации ТОПового Performance агентства. Получите встречи с ЛПР из крупного бизнеса. Встречи назначает отдельная команда. Соберите бриф с заказчика в ходе встречи....
На связи BALAGAN Мы свежее креативное агентство. Любим делать вау-проекты, о которых пишут СМИ. Наша сильная сторона по мнению наших клиентов: свежие идеи, эстетика, внимание к деталям и комфортный рабочий процесс. С нами можно заняться: креативом для рекламы (креатив для TV/OLV, стратегия и...
... России! Мы уже 10 лет воплощаем самые амбициозные идеи, работая с лидерами рынка: Тинькофф, S7 Airlines, Tele2, Аэрофлот. Наши проекты — это 1800+ событий, которые запомнились миллионам людей: Петербургский Международный Экономический Форум ...
Fusion group
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